DMCA Policy

DMCA Policy serves as a free download platform for mobile games, offering convenient and rapid services to mobile gaming enthusiasts. All resources available on are either submitted by developers or provided by users. exclusively provides storage services, and the content’s ownership belongs to the uploader. Users are urged to delete the content within 24 hours of downloading and refrain from any commercial use. However, disclaims any legal responsibility for the legality of user-posted content and the resulting obligations to third parties.

For games or software submitted by developers on this platform, the copyright belongs to the respective developer company. merely distributes the content on its platform and bears no legal or financial responsibility for the content’s copyright, which is solely the developer’s responsibility.

The content and copyright of all websites linked to are the responsibility of their respective providers and owners. assumes no direct or indirect commercial or legal responsibility for the content, form, or quality of linked websites. adheres to the federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and responds to infringement notices in compliance with the DMCA and other applicable laws. If users suspect that content infringes their legal rights, they can submit relevant information, including:

Copyright certification materials of the infringed work.
Relevant information about the copyright owner/company.
Email address for receiving notification of processing results.
Official link for the publication of the claimed copyright work and links to the infringed works on
The complaining party must assert in good faith that the material’s use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. The notice must also state that the information is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringing exclusive right.

Users can submit information on infringing materials through the website or send it to the feedback email: [email protected]. will promptly review and address the issue. Upon confirmation of infringing material, will take immediate measures, such as removal and cessation of release. If provided materials cannot prove content attribution, will not take relevant measures. Users with objections to the processing result can contact at [email protected].